The place itself is great,but we were highly disappointed when we ordered burger and pizza.Unfortunately, the dough from which burgerbun and pizza dough were made was half-product :(
Undeservedly more expensive than other worthy places here. Sour coffee, but good one. Interior made of communistic rubbish. Love it or hate it. I’d look around and go somewhere else.
Podľa toľkých chválospevov, som si myslela, že úplne odpadnem, ale nestalo sa, čo však neznamená, že to bolo zlé, práve naopak. Až na tie kovové stoličky, ktoré sú mrte studené. Hrá tu dobrá muzička.
Odporúčam chemex pre dvoch, hoci som mal pocit, že bol menší pomer káva/voda a majú vynikajúci dripped cold brew coffee z Kolumbie El Capuli od Doubleshotu, čisté tiramisu :-)