Central Quad of UWM
UWM Lubar Hall is one of Central Quad of UWM.

1. UWM Lubar Hall

3202 N Maryland Ave (at UWM), Милуоки, WI
Учебное заведение · Подсказок и отзывов: 29

MattyMatty: If you need a snack between classes, no need to walk back to the Union, at the top of the stairs on the second floor, go left and down the hall, you'll find snack and soda machines there.

UWM Student Union is one of Central Quad of UWM.

2. UWM Student Union

2200 E Kenwood Blvd (at N Maryland Ave), Милуоки, WI
Студенческий центр · Подсказок и отзывов: 58

University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Get a wrap at City Wraps - the Monterrey is awesome!

UWM Golda Meir Library is one of Central Quad of UWM.

3. UWM Golda Meir Library

2311 E Hartford Ave (Downer Ave), Милуоки, WI
Студенческая библиотека · Подсказок и отзывов: 61

University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Studying in a group? Sit in the group section. Respect the designated quiet areas.

UWM Library Grind is one of Central Quad of UWM.

4. UWM Library Grind

2201 E Hartford Ave (Btwn N Maryland & N Downer Aves), Милуоки, WI
Кофейня · Подсказок и отзывов: 5

Brooke P.Brooke Phillipson: Bring in your own cup and receive a $0.15 discount.

UWM Ernest Spaights Plaza is one of Central Quad of UWM.

5. UWM Ernest Spaights Plaza

2380 E Kenwood Blvd, Милуоки, WI
Университетский двор · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Great place to catch some sun or take a nap in the lawn.

UWM Mellencamp Hall is one of Central Quad of UWM.

6. UWM Mellencamp Hall

2442 E Kenwood Blvd (At N Prospect Av), Милуоки, WI
Административное здание университета · Подсказок и отзывов: 7

University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Get your student ID here. Also home to the financial aid and enrollment service offices.

UWM Zelazo Center For The Performing Arts is one of Central Quad of UWM.

7. UWM Zelazo Center For The Performing Arts

2419 E Kenwood Blvd, Милуоки, WI
Студенческий театр · Upper East Side · Подсказок и отзывов: 7
Mitchell Hall is one of Central Quad of UWM.

8. Mitchell Hall

3203 N Downer Ave (Kenwood), Милуоки, WI
Учебное заведение · Подсказок и отзывов: 13
UWM Music Building is one of Central Quad of UWM.

9. UWM Music Building

3223 N Downer Ave, Милуоки, WI
Искусства / Гуманитарный факультет · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Zach D.Zach DesJarlais: Comfortable seats in the auditorium.

UWM Arts Center Lecture Hall is one of Central Quad of UWM.

10. UWM Arts Center Lecture Hall

2400 E Kenwood Blvd, Милуоки, WI
Учебный кабинет · Подсказок и отзывов: 6
UWM Theatre Building is one of Central Quad of UWM.

11. UWM Theatre Building

2400 E Kenwood Blvd, Милуоки, WI
Студенческий театр · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Check out the art gallery and performances in the theatre.

Curtin Hall is one of Central Quad of UWM.

12. Curtin Hall

3243 N Downer Ave (btwn Kenwood Blvd and Hartford Ave), Милуоки, WI
Учебное заведение · Подсказок и отзывов: 12
UWM Vogel Hall is one of Central Quad of UWM.

13. UWM Vogel Hall

3253 N Downer Ave, Милуоки, WI
Учебное заведение · Нет подсказок или отзывов
UWM Pearse Hall is one of Central Quad of UWM.

14. UWM Pearse Hall

2513 E Hartford Ave (UWM), Милуоки, WI
Учебное заведение · Подсказок и отзывов: 2
UWM Garland Hall is one of Central Quad of UWM.

15. UWM Garland Hall

2441 E Hartford Ave (Hartford & Downer), Милуоки, WI
Естественнонаучный факультет · Подсказок и отзывов: 2