4/4..the other kitchen as well! The only thing I'm a little bit afraid of is that..It's probably gonna be so devilishly hot...and I'll be standing in the middle of the gigantic pho pot all alone...
..crazy and wild life decisions..this one is for you! Get Pho Bo Tai Bam! A surprisingly tasteful variation on a classic theme. Glass noodles (Mien Bo Tai Bam) are also highly recommended! Cam on !
3/3..and thats where Im gonna go for lunch breaks when my last day comes. Well...if I ever make it up there...,anyway in case I'm not, I can bet you guys there will be a hell of a good pho at the...
7/7..you can bet that damn PHO is gonna be amazing!! Like always, like everywhere (no matter where)..when my boys from Hanoi start cooking...Hallelujah!
1/3 Listen...if you would ask me why is this place so bloody good? ..Listen...I dont know!! I know shit about cooking or vietnam or anything else. All I can tell you izzz..if there is Heaven and...
6/6...actually, I was lying to you...I'm not gonna stand there just all by myself...no way!! There will be plenty of us! Don't you worry folks! I'm pretty sure we'll have lot of fun...and you...
2/3..and you can bet there is one at least, those guys from the kitchen will be cooking pho up there in the sky in the heaven's kitchen of our Lord,sure...after we all die..(and you can bet we will)..
Bejvala to moje oblíbená viet restaurace v sousedství, než jsem objevil konkurenci. Jídlo je tu určitě dobrý, ale vadí mi ty zakouřený podzemní prostory.
Výborné vietnamské speciality, nejvíc vzpomínám na Ha Noi smažené závitky a špenát. Vrátíme se, super ceny a příjemná obsluha, nijak zvlášť dlouho jsme nečekali.
Restaurace, kde jsem se poprvé setkal s vietnamskými laskominami. Dodnes sem rád zajdu, zejména na vynikající smažené závitky. Pochvalu míří i k příjemné obsluze.
By now for me the best vietnamese food in Prague. I can recommend the beef spires (here without mint which is my preference) and Pho is really tasty...both...chicken and beef!
Velice příjemná vietnamská restaurace s opravdu bohatým jídelním lístkem (v češtině a angličtině) a hezkým prostředím. Restaurace je v suterénu bez GSM signálu.