Божественные круассаны от любимой кондитерской Барселоны, пожалуй одно из мест, где в кондитерские изделия не добавляют свиной жир и кофе от El Magnifico!
Yes, mascarpone croissant is to die for. But also do not miss the gofrettes and shortbreads in packages. They are not so cheap but can take you to heaven.
Buy pastries in Pastisseria Hofmann just few doors away as choice is much wider there and come back here to eat them with coffee. Pastries are amazing!
Fui para probar los famosos croissants de frambuesa, de mango y de marzipan, los de mascarpone ya se habian acabado, la verdad normalisimos croissants, nada del otro mundo ...Sitio sobrevalorado!