Ресторан лапши рамен · Greenwich Village · Подсказок и отзывов: 1163
Valerie Seckler: Skip shishito peppers this week. I had a bitter, soapy tasting batch, 7/12. When asked for an alternative, the manager called me "spiteful" & claimed they were "perfect." So much for my rave reviews.
415 W 13th St (btwn 9th Ave & Washington St), Нью-Йорк, NY
Парикмахерская · Meatpacking District · Подсказок и отзывов: 66
Valerie Seckler: Coffee hounds be sure to try a cup of the lively J. King "Mountain Grown" brew, one of the beverages that comes gratis with an appointment.
1 E 161st St (btwn Jerome & River Ave), Бронкс, NY
Бейсбольный стадион · Concourse Village · Подсказок и отзывов: 1142
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.
1 E 161st St (btwn Jerome & River Ave), Бронкс, NY
Бейсбольный стадион · Concourse Village · Подсказок и отзывов: 1142
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.
1 E 161st St (btwn Jerome & River Ave), Бронкс, NY
Бейсбольный стадион · Concourse Village · Подсказок и отзывов: 1142
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.
1 E 161st St (btwn Jerome & River Ave), Бронкс, NY
Бейсбольный стадион · Concourse Village · Подсказок и отзывов: 1142
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.
1 E 161st St (btwn Jerome & River Ave), Бронкс, NY
Бейсбольный стадион · Concourse Village · Подсказок и отзывов: 1142
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.