Favourite bookstores
Readings is one of Favourite bookstores.

1. Readings

309 Lygon St, Carlton, VIC
Книжный магазин · Подсказок и отзывов: 23

2. Brunswick Street Bookstore

305 Brunswick St, Fitzroy, VIC
Книжный магазин · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

LobesLobes: Find an impressive looking book, sit in the red armchair and read 3 pages,

City Lights Bookstore is one of Favourite bookstores.

3. City Lights Bookstore

261 Columbus Ave (at Broadway), Сан-Франциско, CA
Книжный магазин · Chinatown · Подсказок и отзывов: 128

Matthew G.Matthew Gidley: City Lights isn't so much 'stocked' as 'curated'. For its size this has to be the best independent bookshop in the world. When you're finished buying go next door to Vesuvio and get drunk.

Three Lives & Company is one of Favourite bookstores.

4. Three Lives & Company

154 W 10th St (at Waverly Pl), Нью-Йорк, NY
Книжный магазин · West Village · Подсказок и отзывов: 61

Cameron A.Cameron Ackroyd: In a city full of fantastic independent bookstores, this one has the most character. Also, in some kind of superhuman feat, the staff almost always have read everything in stock.

Subterranean Books is one of Favourite bookstores.

5. Subterranean Books

6275 Delmar Blvd, Сент-Луис, MO
Книжный магазин · Подсказок и отзывов: 8

6. Left Bank Books

399 N Euclid Ave (at McPherson Ave), Сент-Луис, MO
Книжный магазин · Central West End · Подсказок и отзывов: 27

Edward C.Edward Coffield: Great independent book store.... on a great corner-

McNally Jackson Books is one of Favourite bookstores.

7. McNally Jackson Books

52 Prince St (btwn Lafayette & Mulberry St), Нью-Йорк, NY
Книжный магазин · NoLita · Подсказок и отзывов: 293

HuffPostHuffPost: Our neighborhood bookstore has a great selection, friendly staff and a lovely cafe.

Shakespeare & Company is one of Favourite bookstores.

8. Shakespeare & Company

37 rue de la Bûcherie, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Книжный магазин · Sorbonne · Подсказок и отзывов: 283

Marc Jacobs IntlMarc Jacobs Intl: Looking for a good book? Do like Hemingway & Fitzgerald did in their time and go to the iconic Shakespeare bookstore!

9. The Booksmith

1644 Haight St (btwn Clayton & Cole St), Сан-Франциско, CA
Книжный магазин · Haight Ashbury · Подсказок и отзывов: 44

SF WeeklySF Weekly: SF Weekly’s Best Of 2011 Winner – Editorial Pick – BEST REIMAGINED BOOK STOREHandwritten recommendations next to books staffers love, & more than 200 in-store author readings per year... Подробнее.

10. BooksActually

44 Upper Weld Road, Сингапур
Книжный магазин · Little India · Подсказок и отзывов: 55

Jason L.Jason Lundberg: Now open in its gorgeous new location. Singapore's best and quirkiest literary bookshop.

Ariel Booksellers is one of Favourite bookstores.

11. Ariel Booksellers

42 Oxford St. (West St.), Paddington, NSW
Книжный магазин · Подсказок и отзывов: 14

AndrewAndrew: Brilliant bookstore. I never leave here without feeling inspired.

12. The Hobart Book Shop

22 Salamanca Sq, Battery Point, TAS
Книжный магазин · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

Virginia G.Virginia Gordon: One of my favourite independent bookshops - jampacked with specialist books and all current fiction, great cards, specialist magazines, Tasmania info. Knowledgable+helpful.

13. Berkelouw Books

19 Oxford St, Paddington, NSW
Книжный магазин · Подсказок и отзывов: 13

Mark D.Mark Dodds: Third floor is a great haunt for secondhand and out-of-print non-fiction (esp. Australian politics). Books priced on condition rather than estimated market value, so lots of collectables for cheap.

14. The Paperback Bookstore

60 Bourke St, Мельбурн, VIC
Книжный магазин · Melbourne CBD · Подсказок и отзывов: 8

Simon J G.Simon J Green: A lovely little place with the big names in authorship covered. A very small sci-fi section. Generally, only go for fairly common authors of fiction, but also for a broad range of non-fiction.

Hill of Content is one of Favourite bookstores.

15. Hill of Content

86 Bourke St, Мельбурн, VIC
Книжный магазин · Melbourne CBD · Подсказок и отзывов: 6
Swindon Books is one of Favourite bookstores.

16. Swindon Books

13-15 Lock Rd, 尖沙咀, Kowloon City
Книжный магазин · Tsim Sha Tsui · Подсказок и отзывов: 8

Mayli M.Mayli Mountford: Reeeeeaaaaadddd

Kelly & Walsh is one of Favourite bookstores.

17. Kelly & Walsh

Shop 204, 2/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, 中環, 中西區
Книжный магазин · Подсказок и отзывов: 3
Full Circle Bookstore is one of Favourite bookstores.

18. Full Circle Bookstore

1st & 2nd Flr., 23, Middle Lane, Khan Market, Нью-Дели, Delhi
Книжный магазин · 1 подсказка