Must-visit Great Outdoors in Amman
Rainbow Street is one of Must-visit Great Outdoors in Amman.

1. Rainbow Street

(شارع الرينبو)
Jabal Amman (Othman Bin Affan St.), Амман, Amman
Дорога · Подсказок и отзывов: 45

Ali A.Ali Alhasani: Great street. Truly like a rainbow. A walk there is worth a lot.

Downtown (Balad Amman) is one of Must-visit Great Outdoors in Amman.

2. Downtown (Balad Amman)

(وسط البلد)
Амман, Amman
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 42

Wala'a A.Wala'a Al-Faqeeh: Old Town :)

Al-Wakalat Street is one of Must-visit Great Outdoors in Amman.

3. Al-Wakalat Street

(شارع الوكالات)
Al Wakalat St, Амман, Amman
Дорога · Al Swaifyeh · Подсказок и отзывов: 15

Doaa I.Doaa Ibraheem: Sweifieh-Aman

King Hussein Park is one of Must-visit Great Outdoors in Amman.

4. King Hussein Park

(حدائق الحسين)
King Abdullah II, Амман, Amman
Парк · Подсказок и отзывов: 17

Sunny 105.1Sunny 105.1: If you’re a morning person looking for healthy & different ways to exercise outside the gym, King Hussein Park is a perfect alternative. Walking will typically take 20 minutes.

6th Circle is one of Must-visit Great Outdoors in Amman.

5. 6th Circle

(الدوار السادس)
6th Circle | الدوار السادس (Zahran St.), Амман, Amman
Площадь · Подсказок и отзывов: 8
Babiche Patisserie is one of Must-visit Great Outdoors in Amman.

6. Babiche Patisserie

Abdon (Cario), Амман, Amman
Кондитерская · Abdoun · Подсказок и отзывов: 2