Один из худших бургеров на моей памяти, что характерно для Лондонских пабов, но место удивительное и прекрасное, что опять же характерно для Лондонских пабов
Unique pub in central London, with awesome woody interior (there's a tree!) and multiple bars on multiple levels. Good whisky selection, friendly staff, will definitely be back.
Love the 5-floor and complex interior setup with a tree in the middle of it. Wide whiskey selection and good beer selection of verified and rather bigger local and international brands.
Pub originale, arredamento ricercato e musica sopra la media. Tappa obbligatoria ogni volta che vengo a londra, sempre frequentato da bella gente con selezione / sicurezza all'ingresso.
Voto 10 a questo pub che si snoda come un labirinto con un albero al centro(!?). Ottima la scelta della musica di sottofondo e buona la cucina. Provate la Steak and Guinness Pie.
Named after the famous candle maker from Dublin, Waxy’s has gained worldwide recognition for warm hospitality, traditional homemade food & wide range of drinks.