Все было просто превосходно, паэльяправда была немного пересолена, но это мелочи. Крем каталана выше всяких похвал👍🏻👍🏻💯💯🔝🔝🔝 Обязательно еще сюда загляну, когда буду в Барселоне❤️❤️
Волшебное место: звуки рояля, сливающиеся с гулом испанского говора вперемешку с позвякиванием приборов, великолепный сервис и самые вкусные устрицы (вкуснее чем на рынке)
Старый известный ресторан. Зал большой, столики на пустуют. Понравилось обслуживание - баланс между любезностью и весельем) Еда вкусная, но ничего выдающегося. Вечером играет рояль. Стоит заглянуть.
Потрясающее место. Я здесь второй раз. Не часто удается поесть в том месте где останавливались ЧеГеВара, Пикассо, король Испании) морепродукты рекомендую
Ресторан, который посетило много знаменитых (и ещё больше неизвестных) людей. Паэлью пересолили и она не стоит 20+ евро. Как достопримечательность нормально, как ресторан скорее нет. Счёт на двоих
Вкусно и дорого! Достойный выбор, если хватит терпения дождаться своей очереди. Судя по количеству желающих у входа, один из лучших ресторанов в городе
Ресторан 1836 года. Очень вычурно сделан дизайн. Обслуживание не на высшем уровне, кухня средне, повар все блюда усердно пересолил. Ужин я здесь вам бы не советовала.
Great atmosphere at one of the oldest restaurant in Barcelona. A pianist plays hits songs adds to the vibe. There is no dress code but will be nice to dress up for a date at this restaurant.
It is as pricey as they say bit the ambiance is worth it! We have tried the canneolli with beef and paella with lobster and meat, both very delisious. Try their one of their house-wines too.
Çok eski ve çok popüler bir restaurant. Rezervasyonsuz gidilmesi düşünülemez. Piyano müziği eşliğinde harika bir atmosfer. Fiyatlar biraz pahalı bilginize
Elegant setting in this culture rich restaurant, welcomed by beautiful piano performance inside. Had the best gazpacho in my life and really balanced and flavourful paella, well worth many revisits!
Atmosferi cok etkileyici.. Piyano harika hissettiriyor.. Deniz urunlu paella yedik benim icin biraz tuzlu ama lezzetliydi.. Profiterolden uzak durun icindeki krema kremsanti gibi hayalkirikligi ..
Very good paella, especially the squid ink one. Crema Catalana stuffed apple is very good, although skip crema catalana. Fancy-like venue, booking recommended. Quite expensive.
Kesinlikle harika bir yer,özellikle sebzelipaella denemenizi tavsiye ederim.Rezervasyon yaptırmadan gelirseniz en az 1 h beklersiniz.fiyatlar orta derecede ama hakkını veriyorlar👍👍👍
Amazing paella & sea food. Pricy, elegant arrive early or make a reservation. Not a Dress code but try not to go like if you were just going out from the beach this place is very nice and elegant.
Good and popular traditional upscale Spanish/Catalan restaurant with oldstyle service. Known for its paella and other classic dishes. Good reliable quality, but not great food and not inexpensive.
Fancy but comfortable setting for paella. It is fun. The piano playerperformed pop and classical hits. The paella include avant-garde options that verge on heresy like rabbit and picante
It’s an iconic rest. of BCN. The food is really good and the service depends on the waiter you get, it’s a lottery. They serve real paella, also try croquettes. Desserts are made by the pastry Chef.
One of the oldest restaurant in BCN ,I recomend because you can try catalan cusine with on of the best paellas of Barcelona,believe me i am catalan!Photo is bunyols de quaresma and crema catalana
Um clássico que se garante. 180 anos de história.Comida boa,ambiente aconchegante,atendimento primoroso.Cada mesa tem o nome de um famoso que já sentou lá.A conta vem dizendo.Guarde-a.
Agree with most of the comments here: Excellent Paella, good range of wines, a bit overpriced, too classy for the type of cuisine. Have just the Paella and a glass of wine!
Enjoy great seafood paella, nice ambiance with live pianoperformance in one of Barcelona’s oldest, elegant restaurants. Definitely would recommend for classic Spanish food 👌🏻🥘
No.1 paella for a reason. I really liked the idea of having the name of the person who has eaten in your table on the receipt. Some pretty cool people have dined there!
Deniz mahsüllü (23€) ve sebzelipaella (18€) çok lezzetliydi. Bu fiyatlara kesinlikle değer. Rus salatası da lezzetliydi. Pijama tatlısı krem karamel ve dondurmadan ibaret. Rezervasyonsuz gitmeyin
Desde 1836 cocinando comida catalana de alto nivel. No digo más! PD: aunque aparece en las guías para guiris, merece la pena disfrutar del local, su ambiente histórico, su comida, su bodega ...
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