Значок «Категория»

Court Order

Заведение с сэндвичами, Итальянский ресторан и Деликатесы$$$$
Brooklyn Heights, Бруклин
Значок «Подсказки и отзывы»7 Подсказки и отзывы
  • здоровая пища
  • sandwiches
  • hot soup
  • coffee
  • salad bar
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  • Elizabeth M.
    Elizabeth MardonesНоябрь 8, 2013
    Very large selection! Grilled paninis, pre-maid healthy salads, wraps, hot soup, salad bar, vegan food, pumpkin cookies, organic popcorn, you name it, they got it! 50% off after 5pm all pre-maid stuff
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  • Mish K.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Mish KmОктябрь 11, 2017
    Great sandwiches and they can customize one for you. Tommy thanksgiving style one was 9.00 for Brie and apples. So good. Also, they have an amazing selection of coffee.
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  • Joe D.
    Joe DИюль 11, 2017
    One of the better egg sandwich situations in BK Heights / Downtown. Respectable filling-to-bread ratio 🍞🥚🍞
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  • Patrick S.
    Patrick SelveyДекабрь 7, 2012
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    Come in Friday after 5:00 for 50% off all hot food and pre made sandwiches!
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  • Tiffany S.
    Tiffany SiricoАвгуст 20, 2011
    i like their iced coffee and they have cook pastry selections!
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  • Jay C.
    Jay CАпрель 5, 2012
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 10+
    Great iced coffee
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  • Cynthia W.
    Cynthia WhiteАпрель 2, 2013
    The sandwich is big
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