Традиционный венгерский ресторан.Классический интерьер, живая музыка. Цены для Будапешта выше среднего. Заказывали очень много, единственное, что было вкусно-мороженое.
Ресторан для туристов, много русских (хорошо, но не 'аутентика'). Красивый интерьер. Приятное обслуживание. Отличная живая инстументальная музыка. Блюда вкусные, но посредственные.
Travel back in time with live music and meals served on plates with silver plate covers.This none-expensive dinning experience will give your trip to Hungary the genuin touch of Hungarian hospitality.
Good food, price also ok for two people around 60 euros for the whole dinner with a bottle of wine. Live gipsy music, staff very friendly, only negative would be to fast delivery of food.
TradicionalHungarian Restaurant, excelent food and good services. The duck is very good and fish as well. Violin played with spirt of old hungarian people! Decoration is quite noveau, since 1877.
Authentic atmosphere, but that's it. Gulyash and paprikash were really ordinary, I would say no taste Musicians are too impudent. Service is included. Prices are high
If you go without a reservation, expect a terrible service -especially from the older waiter. He never asked how we'll have our steak and we ended up with almost raw meat :/ he was pretty rude as well
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Kárpátia Étterem
Будапешт Ferenciek tere 7-8. (Károlyi Mihály u.) 1053 Венгрия