На самом деле, чуть ли не самый классный музей современного искусства в Београде! 3 обширных зала, крайне интересные экспонаты на любой вкус. Обязательно посетить!)
On Sundays there's no entrance fee. Works are organized by periods in art and each floor (-1,0,1) has a catalogue of all works museum owns and artists' biographies.
One of the best parts of my trip to Belgrade. Lovely museum with Serbian artists, paintings, sculptures and more. It's in the middle of Knez Mihavlovna and worths really to visit.
Şimdilerde Sırp ressam ve heykeltraşların yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısındaki eserlerine ev sahipliği yapan, Belgrad'ın kalbindeki 3 katlı sanat müzesi.
It's museum of Serbian painters and sculptors - average number of works of one person is 2. This is a 3 levels museum, but still houses so many artists, that it tends to get overcrowded.
Prvi privatni umetnički muzej u Srbiji po prvi put u Noći muzeja! Muzej ima kolekciju od preko 350 dela savremene likovne scene Srbije. Od 18-02h budite deo "Dela u nastanku" autora Radomira Kneževića
Prilikom jedne posete Amsterdamu, nije bilo lako odlučiti se samo za dve slike Tafila Musovića iz ciklusa U bašti razuma, koji je inspirisan ličnošću Margaret Tačer, prve premijerke Velike Britanije.