Остров Родос is one of Greece.

1. Остров Родос

(Ρόδος (νησί))
Νήσος Ρόδος, Родос
Остров · Подсказок и отзывов: 67
Morgan Parkes
Morgan Parkes: Go to Agathi Beach and Kalathos Beach - Gorgeous beaches in Rhodes - you will also head to Lindos which is packed but beautiful
Афины is one of Greece.

2. Афины

Город · Подсказок и отзывов: 108
Санторини is one of Greece.

3. Санторини

Νήσος Σαντορίνη, Санторини, Кикла́ды
Остров · Подсказок и отзывов: 234
Morgan Parkes
Morgan Parkes: Stay at Aenaon Villas - mom and pop run by a cute greek couple - beautiful views of the Caldera and impeccable service.  Go to Dimitri's Fish Taverna in Oia to watch the sunset and pick your fish.