20 favorite restaurants
Queen Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

1. Queen Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant

916 E John St (btw Broadway & 10th Ave), Сиэтл, WA
Эфиопский ресторан · Capitol Hill · Подсказок и отзывов: 20
Japonessa Sushi Cocina is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

2. Japonessa Sushi Cocina

1400 1st Ave (at Union St), Сиэтл, WA
Суши-бар · Seattle Central Business District · Подсказок и отзывов: 280
Naan-n-Curry is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

3. Naan-n-Curry

709 S 3rd St, Рентон, WA
Индийский ресторан · Downtown Renton · Подсказок и отзывов: 64

4. Kabab House

8202 Greenwood Ave N, Сиэтл, WA
Индийский ресторан · Greenwood · Подсказок и отзывов: 5
Mediterranean Kitchen is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

5. Mediterranean Kitchen

103 Bellevue Way NE (btw 1st St and 2nd St), Белвью, WA
Ресторан средиземноморской кухни · Подсказок и отзывов: 50