Christopher C

Christopher C

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Списки пользователя по имени Christopher в городе Все города
  • Brisbane
  • Toowoomba
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Christopher C
1 места обновлены
1 место в том числе Tin Shed Productions
Christopher C
8 места обновлены
8 мест(-а) в том числе Sushi Train, Toowoomba, Tin Shed Productions, G16 (Clinical Sciences 2)
    Недавние подсказки от Christopher
    "Tastes like chicken. Lemon and herb is white boy spicey enough for me. Would eat again."
    Christopher CChristopher C · Сентябрь 4, 2013
    Португальский ресторан
    · Biggera Waters, Австралия
    "This campus has come really far in the last 3 years. Slowly but surely, things have changed. One thing that hasn't changed is the g33 coffee shop. Chio still makes the best coffee around. ^_^"
    Christopher CChristopher C · Сентябрь 4, 2013
    · Southport, Австралия
    "Best staff i have met in the sushi train franchise. Always friendly and super quick in getting your order rdy."
    Christopher CChristopher C · Сентябрь 2, 2012
    · Oxenford, Австралия
    "Despites it humble corrogated iron appearance, this is a music shed which will truly never stop producing music. The members are as friendly as you could hope and anyone will feel welcome at TSP. ;-)"
    Christopher CChristopher C · Август 30, 2012
    Музыкальное заведение
    · Cabarlah, Австралия
    "Never leave your expensive bike outside! Even a u-bolt wont save it! :("
    Christopher CChristopher C · Август 16, 2012
    Студенческое общежитие
    · Southport, Австралия
    "It tastes like chicken until you eat too much. Who would have thought that possible? Friendly staff, but it was a bit grubby last time i was there....."
    Christopher CChristopher C · Август 16, 2012
    Жареные цыплята
    · Greenslopes, Австралия