• Снимок сделан в Dakota Ink Tattoo пользователем Vicky C. 5/31/2014
  • Снимок сделан в Dakota Ink Tattoo пользователем Vicky C. 1/8/2013
Dakota Ink Tattoo

Dakota Ink Tattoo

East Islip
Фотографии2 Фото
Vicky C.
Vicky C.
Май 31, 2014
Снимок сделан в Dakota Ink Tattoo пользователем Vicky C. 5/31/2014
Vaughn is patient and is detailed with his work. I also have to say though please forgive me but the other girl there was so helpful with my decision. Want personal service come here they have it
Vicky C.
Vicky C.
Январь 8, 2013
Vaughn is patient and is detailed with his work.   I also have to say though please forgive me but the other girl there was so helpful with my decision. Want personal service come here they have it