"T4S IS VERY far, be sure to plan accordingly. Security check, train shuttle to S gates (12min), passport control (10m), walk to gate could be far, and then you might have to take a bus to the plane."
· Мадрид, Испания
"Make sure you stay and catch the sunrise! Also, it’s gets incredibly cold at night."
Обзорная площадка
· Непал
"My tip: avoid this bus at all costs"
Автобусная остановка
· Нью-Йорк, США
"Can't not love a place that plays awesome music like taking back Sunday"
Клиника физиотерапии
· Нью-Йорк, США
"Do NOT get the chips! So stale"
Закусочная на колесах
· Нью-Йорк, США
7.5"Not a fan of overpriced tasteless pizza"