Fluying ✅: Prague is Europe’s best-preserved city as is the only Central European capital to escape the large scale bombing of the last century’s wars. Yeah!
Fluying ✅: The legend behind the arm is that it belonged to a thief who tried to steal the Madonna Pietatis, when he touched it, his arm froze and the monks had to cut it to save him.
Историческое место или особо охраняемая территория · Старый Город · Подсказок и отзывов: 93
Fluying ✅: Back in the day, it was Prague's city limit and where the main road to Vienna started. Also this is the way where empress Maria Theresa came back home after being crowned.
Сооружение · Старый Город · Подсказок и отзывов: 84
Fluying ✅: Probably Prague has the best art nouveau in the world. And this is the pearl of Czech Art Nouveau. Wander around the interiors is free, and beautiful experience.
Fluying ✅: Before the word cosmopolitan existed, there was Charles IV, born in Prague, raised in Paris and crowned in Rome. During his time Prague was the most cultured city in Europe.
Fluying ✅: Although the facade is renewed, and now baroque, this is the best conserved Romanesque church in Prague. Built in 900 check the wood arches to verify how old it is.
Fluying ✅: When touring this area you should try to visit Pinkas Synagogue first time in the morning when it opens or before it closes to avoid crowds. Remember to buy tickets in advance at Maiselova street.
Fluying ✅: Built in the 16 century, it was a private temple for the Maisel family. During WW2 Hitler use it as a warehouse of Jewish artifacts while planning to build the "museum of the Jewish extinct race"
Fluying ✅: Built in 1535, closed during the communist dictatorship era, and re opened in 1989. The highlights are the drawings made by kids in Terezín & the names Czech Jews sent to nazi concentration camps
Fluying ✅: Approximately 85000 Jews rest here. This is because graves were piled on top of each other to respect Jew laws that do not allow to move bodies once buried. Approximately there are up to 8 layers.
Fluying ✅: Built in 1270, is one of the oldest working synagogue in Europe. Back in the days it was new, now is the old new (laughs). Check out the legend of the golem who lives in the attic.....nowadays !
Fluying ✅: The modern downtown of Prague is all around this square. From WW1 ending celebrations, to uprising against nazis and communists happened here.
Уличная скульптура · Václavské náměstí · Подсказок и отзывов: 43
Fluying ✅: Wenceslas, after uniting the Bohemia region became a recognized Saint by the Catholics. The Czech legend says that when facing the darkest hour, he will return riding out of Blaník mountain.
Магазин для гурманов · Прага 1 · Подсказок и отзывов: 7
Fluying ✅: In the balcony above, during the Velvet Revolution in 1989, Václav Havel proclaimed the freedom of the República of Czechoslovakia then pulled out a ring of keys and jingled it.
Fluying ✅: If Wenceslas riding an upside down horse statue is not enough, you may also come here for it's '30s Art Deco, cafes, cinema and a music bar which hosts 80s and 90s video parties!
Fluying ✅: This is the best place to start a visit to Vyšehrad park because it's on the top and everything is going downwards. Start by enjoying the views of Prague.
Fluying ✅: Vltava, comes from the old Germanic for “wild awa,” meaning wild waters. But in the 50s and 60s some dams were constructed to prevent floods and those rapids disappeared.
Правительственное учреждение · Hradčany · Подсказок и отзывов: 2
Fluying ✅: In this building during the spring of 1948. Jan Masaryk was defenestrated by Russian authorities and ended all hope of independence until the Velvet Revolution.
Fluying ✅: It has it all, scenic views, towers to climb, great monuments, romantic walks. Very authentic place, it's lively all day long. It even has some astronomical mysteries related to # 135797531 Google it!