Закусочная с жареной курицей по-перуански · Murray Hill · Подсказок и отзывов: 103
The Corcoran Group: Hands down, the best Peruvian Chicken in the city! Get the Matador Combo if you're really hungry or are with a couple of friends: one whole chicken, rice, beans, tostones, salchipapa, & avocado salad.
160 E 38th St (btwn Lexington & 3rd Ave), Нью-Йорк, NY
Мексиканский ресторан · Murray Hill · Подсказок и отзывов: 133
The Corcoran Group: One of our favorite Thursday Happy Hour spots when it's warm out. The outdoor patio gets very crowded, but it's always a great scene. The margaritas are strong, so be careful if having more than one!
Мексиканский ресторан · Murray Hill · Подсказок и отзывов: 116
The Corcoran Group: This spot may look like nothing special from the outside, but they serve up some of the best burritos in the city. The Venice Burrito and the BBQ Duck Burrito are not to be missed.