Jennifer Jackson-Rogers

Jennifer Jackson-Rogers


St Louis, MO
  • 3 подсказок
  • 22 подписчиков
  • 22 подписок
  • 2 Списки
Списки пользователя по имени Jennifer в городе Все города
  • Hermann
  • St Louis
  • Webster Groves
  • Все города
Jennifer : лучшие города
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St Louis
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Webster Groves
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Jennifer Jackson-Rogers
1 места обновлены
1 место в том числе Dobbs Tire And Auto Center
Jennifer Jackson-Rogers
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    "We go to Culpepper's often, but our best experience--by far--was when we went for the final game of the World Series. The staff was great, the food was good, and the local spirit was amazing."
    Jennifer Jackson-RogersJennifer Jackson-Rogers · Март 16, 2012
    Куриные крылышки
    · Сент-Луис, США
    "Ordered the shrimp and got a nasty case of food poisoning. It was the only day all week my husband and I didn't eat the same thing, so I'm pretty confident of the culprit. Be wary of the shellfish."
    Jennifer Jackson-RogersJennifer Jackson-Rogers · Март 16, 2012
    · Hermann, США
    "I've always been able to find a spot in the garage, frequently on the second or third floor. And I'm usually parking around 1 pm, Non-Thu."
    Jennifer Jackson-RogersJennifer Jackson-Rogers · Март 6, 2012
    · Webster Groves, США