"Sometimes... I get nervous... on airplanes..."
Пункт неотложной помощи
· Нью-Йорк, США
"Frozen drink hangovers are cancelled out by free cheesy poofs (and water)"
"This place has everything: Ice sculptures, winos, Germfs – German smurfs – a Teddy Ruxpin wearing mascara, an old lady wearing Kid ‘N Play hair, and none other than DJ Baby Bok Choy"
"Passed this place well over 1,000 times in my lifetime, glad I was finally able to make a trip in. Polite, neighborly service. Take a seat on the back patio if you're visiting in nice weather!"
"Don't let the B rating keep you away for long- this little escape from Stone Street is reasonably priced and delicious! Proceed to the spicy mustard with caution!"
Китайский ресторан
· Нью-Йорк, США