"home of the delano "cronut"."
"first time here and you might get lost in the dark? no problem! ask shawn to set up the underground railroad of tea lights to guide you to the bathroom."
Частная квартира или дом
· Лос-Анджелес, США
"came for lunch and was super impressed by the excellent customer service!!!"
Американский ресторан
· Бейкерсфилд, США
7.1"This target needs an express check stand."
· Западный Голливуд, США
8.0"order yourself a hot dog and a soda for $1.50. then, sit and watch as old people fight with drivers over almost getting hit."
Ресторанный дворик
· Сан Луис Обиспо, США
7.5"make sure to see hattie mcdaniel's cenotaph near the lake. her dying wish was to be buried here but segregation laws at the time did not allow it. in 1999, this centotaph was erected in her honor."