I usually park here every time I have a business around its neighborhood since it has quite good parking lots for motorcycle. Not so crowdedmall to visit but it surely has a great food hall.
Mall yang positioning nya middle up. Pilihan buat belanjanya ga banyak di bandingin sama mall sekelas. Bukan tempat yang pas kalo cm buat hangout atau cuci mata. Kesini harus dengan niat yang jelas.
Saksikan perform Duo A.I.R Thursday,22 May 2014 3PM -5 PM only At : Kuningan City Ballroom - Level 7 Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav.18 Kuningan Jakarta selatan
Many shops not open yet Look forward to see the bloom mall soon. Location is great... good potential for investments, open shops, buy the properties and such ;) cheers!
Harga Promo Terbaru Mobil VW Indonesia hargabaruvw.blogspot.com BIG DISCOUNT & PROMO AKHIR TAHUN VW INDONESIA Welcome to Volkswagen PT. Garuda Mataram Motor ATPM - 087771817174 - 082110484861 (Ibnu)
Harga Promo Terbaru Mobil VW Indonesia hargabaruvw.blogspot.com BIG DISCOUNT & PROMO AKHIR TAHUN VW INDONESIA Welcome to Volkswagen PT. Garuda Mataram Motor ATPM - 087771817174 - 082110484861 (Ibnu)
It is big shopping mall but I cannot see the sales point of this mall. High class or mid/low..? Because, all shops are not good but the price is high. I have nothing to have a interesting...
Sama dengan kebanyakan mall, cuma agak sepi sih. Foodcourtnya nggak ada smoking area. Ada nelayan resto doang sih, makanya sering ke sini. Parkirnya 4000 per jam. Lumayan sih.