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La Place

La Place

Гастропаб, Ресторан фаст-фуд и Ресторан€€€
Centrum, Харлем
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  • Martien B.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Martien BranderИюнь 2, 2018
    Visit Haarlem, visit La Place. It's a very nice place to have a good coffee or lunch, but the main attraction is the view of Haarlem. It. Is. Stunning! Go to the upper floor of Hudson's Bay.
  • Roeland v.
    Roeland van LuijkИюнь 23, 2018
    The burger was really good, but having to wait in a question for 20 mins while the guy behind the grill only has 4 burgers on the grill at one time is not smart
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