"The BLT has more bacon on it than you can finish...I feel my arteries clogging...in a good way."
"The crazy bat downstairs will eat your soul if you slam doors."
Частная квартира или дом
· Сидар-Рапидс, США
"Don't walk around naked - the creep across the street has binoculars."
Частная квартира или дом
· Clive, США
"As newly elected Mayor (thank you to the people), I now declare all patrons of this fine establishment will rock 'n' roll all night and party everyday. Amen."
Частная квартира или дом
· Сан-Диего, США
"I'm mayor I'm mayor I'm mayor. Suck on that JNugs."
Частная квартира или дом
· Сан-Диего, США
"There is no blue grey car, it's actually grey. Don't believe anything else you may hear. Bitches be trippin'"
Частная квартира или дом
· Сан-Диего, США