Gillian Nicole Alamani

Gillian Nicole Alamani


Quezon City, Philippines
  • 3 подсказок
  • 118 подписчиков
  • 97 подписок
  • 2 Списки

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Gillian Nicole : лучшие города
Quezon City
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Gillian Nicole Alamani
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Gillian Nicole Alamani
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Списки Gillian NicoleСписки, которые создал(-а) Gillian NicoleGillian Nicole: списки, у которых есть подписчики
"The mango tree stopped blooming and now there are tiny fruits that can and will land on the cars parked under it."
Gillian Nicole AlamaniGillian Nicole Alamani · Март 7, 2012
· Кесон-Сити, Филиппины
"Leaving this small parking lot can be tricky when the neighboring cars are around."
Gillian Nicole AlamaniGillian Nicole Alamani · Февраль 21, 2012
· Кесон-Сити, Филиппины
"There's enough shade in the area to cover up most of your car and avoid the bake effect that happens when parked too long under the sun."
Gillian Nicole AlamaniGillian Nicole Alamani · Февраль 21, 2012
· Кесон-Сити, Филиппины