Favorite Watering Holes in San Diego
Yard House is one of Favorite Watering Holes in San Diego.

1. Yard House

1023 4th Ave, Сан-Диего, CA
Американский ресторан · Central San Diego · Подсказок и отзывов: 120
The Field Irish Pub & Restaurant is one of Favorite Watering Holes in San Diego.

2. The Field Irish Pub & Restaurant

544 5th Ave (at Market St), Сан-Диего, CA
Ирландский паб · Gaslamp · Подсказок и отзывов: 70

Tom H.Tom Hudson: Try the chips!

The Tipsy Crow is one of Favorite Watering Holes in San Diego.

3. The Tipsy Crow

770 5th Ave (at F St), Сан-Диего, CA
Коктейль-бар · Gaslamp · Подсказок и отзывов: 119
Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens is one of Favorite Watering Holes in San Diego.

4. Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens

1999 Citracado Pkwy (at S Adreasen Dr), Escondido, CA
Пивоварня · Vineyard, Escondido, CA · Подсказок и отзывов: 282
Karl Strauss Brewery & Restaurant is one of Favorite Watering Holes in San Diego.

5. Karl Strauss Brewery & Restaurant

1044 Wall St, Ла-Холья, CA
Пивоварня · Подсказок и отзывов: 57
La Jolla Strip Club is one of Favorite Watering Holes in San Diego.

6. La Jolla Strip Club

4282 Esplanade Ct, Сан-Диего, CA
Стейк-хаус · University City · Подсказок и отзывов: 28
The Regal Beagle Ale House & Sausage Grill is one of Favorite Watering Holes in San Diego.

7. The Regal Beagle Ale House & Sausage Grill

3659 India St (btwn Chalmers & San Diego Ave), Сан-Диего, CA
Паб · Midtown · Подсказок и отзывов: 41