Dan 单

Dan 单

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  • Angeline T.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Angeline TeohФевраль 19, 2019
    Cosy and nature liked environment, they are under the same branch with moon shop. Do try the matcha/chocolate lava cake and pair it with rose tea. Small area for seating though
  • Jason C.
    Jason ChaОктябрь 27, 2018
    Nice ambience. Hojicha latte was great, complimenting the chocolate lava cake. The portion would be slightly small if you’re sharing among few.
  • Mango F.
    Mango FongИюль 11, 2017
    Love the beautiful cozy and quiet space with a lot of beautiful greens! Signature is matcha series.A hidden gems# in the city
  • Aun P.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Aun PhotographyАпрель 6, 2017
    A hidden secret garden in the heart of the city, a nice place for coffee & plant lover. Must try their hand brew coffee!
  • Raymond T.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Raymond TanМай 7, 2018
    Cozy place, hidden gem in the midst of busy area.
  • Dan 单
    Dan 单Июль 7, 2017
    Dan cafe is in Penang Bowl Building (share location with Moonshop Gallery).
  • Dan 单
    Dan 单Июль 7, 2017
    Dan cafe is in Penang Bowl Building (share location with Moonshop)Gallery).
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