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Lake View East, Чикаго
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  • Serious Eats
    Serious EatsМай 14, 2013
    The Booty Call is rolled in a box of cinnamon sugar and is crisp on the outside, slightly chewy, but still very tender. It even comes in a handy carrying case, so you can eat and walk.
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  • Jessica P.
    Jessica ParmenterАвгуст 19, 2013
    Excellent waffles! If you can't splurge, get it with Nutella! And, if you have extra Euros laying around your house, they'll accept them!
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  • Jake S.
    Jake SmithДекабрь 3, 2012
    If it's available, try a waffle with the Frangelico Whipped Cream. If not, the Bailey's Whipped Cream is decent and available at all times.
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  • Maggie
    MaggieАпрель 28, 2013
    The sidewalk stands get in the way and people harassing you out the window makes me want to punch them.
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  • Jen A.
    Jen AprahamianИюль 10, 2011
    Follow them on Facebook...the staff likes to post quirky status updates with exclusive specials and freebies.
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  • Avriel
    AvrielИюнь 8, 2011
    Just walk by....they'll harass you first, then give you free food! Late nights are best.
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  • Jadecab
    JadecabЯнварь 7, 2012
    a bit pricey but really good waffles and gelatos aren't bad either
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  • Dzeinara P.
    Dzeinara PastyrevaДекабрь 2, 2010
    two waffles with powdered sugar $18. biggest rip off!!! but so dense & delicious! they also charge a recycling fee....???
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  • Anthony W.
    Anthony WashingtonОктябрь 29, 2011
    The sipping chocolate is the BOMB!!!
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  • Kat
    KatИюль 10, 2011
    Kinda pricey but sooo yummy!
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  • Vithida S.
    Vithida SueblinvongАвгуст 18, 2010
    Belgian Waffle with Nutella ...yum!
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  • Nick K.
    Nick KasemИюнь 4, 2010
    $5 for 1 simple Belgain Waffle??? .. hmm.. OK!
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  • MJ O.
    MJ OommenНоябрь 26, 2011
    It's kinda pricey
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  • Frankie C.
    Frankie CorralМай 7, 2011
    Total ripoff. Too expensive! Buy an Eggo instead!
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