2011 Best of Houston Winner: Best Bar Atmosphere/Decor. Check out more Houston Press Best of Houston Winners here: http://bit.ly/JCaGyR Or go mobile with the free Best Of app.
2012 Best of Houston Winner: Best Smoking Patio.Check out more Houston Press Winners here:http://www.houstonpress.com/bestof/ Or go moblie with the free Best Of app.
Love it! It is like a combination of Lee Harvey's meets Cosmos. Had a veggiehot dog Fri night that was AWESOME! New place for me to go for Art Car Weekend. If you are from Dallas, you will get this.
2010 Best of Houston® Winner: Best Bar: 1 of the city's most livelyalcoholic redoubts. You can disappear in a dark corner, or you can hold court w/your drinking team on the dark back patio.
Cheap, no frills drinks. A dive bar at its finest. Great outdoor area that is perfect for hot nights, cold beers and an indoor area with Ms. Pacman and a punching bag strength game. Great beers!!
Since you're at Big Star Bar and in the area, don't forget to join us for the Menu of Menus Extravaganza, at Silver Street Station on April 17th! Tickets now available at menuofmenues.com!