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Bowen Island

Bowen Island
Значок «Подсказки и отзывы»13 Подсказки и отзывы
  • chilled beer
  • shoes
  • ferries
  • Bay
  • taxis
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  • Brad B.
    Brad BestЯнварь 30, 2011
    This small residential Island in Howe Sound makes a perfect Get away from The Hustle and bustle of Metro Vancouver.....Take the ferry from Horse Shoe Bay in West Vancouver or a High speed water taxi f
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  • Asmaзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    AsmaИюль 2, 2024
    A good idea for a day activity. Nice cafes and ice cream shop. The views were immaculate. The ferry ride was very scenic.
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  • Lukas B.
    Lukas B.Март 27, 2013
    Speed limit across the whole island is 40km - and yes they will ticket you if you are caught going over 50
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  • Paul R.
    Paul RickettОктябрь 26, 2009
    The best selection of wine is at Bowen island Cold Beer and Wine, under the pub at the crossroads
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  • Carol-Lynne M.
    Carol-Lynne MМай 15, 2011
    watch out for the wolf-dog hybrid. Seriously.
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  • Richard S.
    Richard SmithСентябрь 21, 2009
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 10+
    looking for fine dining on Bowen? Blue Eyed Marys is the restaurant for you.
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  • Charlie W.
    Charlie WangАвгуст 7, 2011
    There's not that many restos here but we went to doc morgans. Food was mediocre defs not worth the price. Fish n chips were the only decent food we had
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  • Richard E.
    Richard EvansФевраль 25, 2010
    Go in Summer. Great walks all over.
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  • Darla M.
    Darla MooreАвгуст 11, 2011
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 25+
    It's safe to pick up hitch hikers.
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  • Richard S.
    Richard SmithИюнь 6, 2010
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 10+
    Watch out for the bear. Seriously.
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  • Paul R.
    Paul RickettОктябрь 26, 2009
    free wifi at Snug Cafe, Bowen Pub and Artisan Eats
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  • Richard S.
    Richard SmithЯнварь 30, 2010
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 10+
    Watch out for deer on the road.
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  • Richard S.
    Richard SmithСентябрь 21, 2009
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 10+
    there is free wifi at the library
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