If you're looking for some good eats, consider Red Bones for BBQ, The Painted Burro for good Mexican or Diesel Cafe for a quick and killer sandwich. Once you're done there, hit JP Licks for dessert!
A game of pool at Diesel Cafe, drinks & eats at Redbones (the buffalo shrimp are amazing), followed by ice cream at JP Licks makes for an epic evening!
A nice little area to sit and watch the goings-on; there are many fantastic bars and restaurants in the immediate area, including Redbones, The Burren, and Johnny D's.
find the diesel cafe for the best coffee in the world. well, my world anyway. so far. which i guess is not that awesome in some ways. anyway, EPIC coffee there. diesel. yeah, that place.
For ice cream, skip the line at JP Licks and go across the street to Somerville Theatre for Richardson's Ice Cream at half the price and double the size. Seeing a movie is awesome but optional. :)
Now that the weather has warmed up you can spend the day watching the social parade from a ringside seat in Davis Sq. Boston Burger Company and JP licks are right there when you need some refueling