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  • Снимок сделан в Delimax and Pizzeria пользователем Eric A. 11/12/2012
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Delimax and Pizzeria

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  • Cindy C.
    Cindy ChiuchioloИюль 26, 2011
    I've tried a huge portion of their menu because company I work for was paying for it. I started saying no thanks. It's greasy and sometimes tastes old/left out (avoid the deli meats especially).
  • Mike L.
    Mike LogueМарт 29, 2011
    Don't listen to Cindy, this is the best pizza in Natick, with great sandwiches, pasta and affordable catering.
  • Cindy C.
    Cindy ChiuchioloФевраль 11, 2010
    Don't eat here. Natick has too many good restaurants for you to eat here.
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