Интересные экспозиции, об истории послевоенной Германии, противостоянии коммунизму и борьбе за права человека. Из новейшей истории – Магницкий и Ходорковский. Тексты дублируются на русском языке.
Do NOT go here. The museum is badly organized and everyone in here is confused. Tons of text and pictures but no path to follow. Not worth the money. I'd suggest to go to "Story of Berlin".
A small museum full of interesting personal stories about (un)successful escapes from DDR. 🎫 cost €14,50 for adults & €9,50 for students. Kids get in for free.Better get an audio guide for extra €5.
This place throws a lot of information at you, making it hard to really get into it. Even worse are the little mistakes and inaccuracies. After your visit, pick up a decent book about the Cold War...
Interessant & sehenswert. Sehr viel Geschichte, sehr informativ. Zusätzlich Infos über Religion & andere bedeutende geschichtliche Ereignisse neben der deutschen Geschichte. Zeit mitbringen!
El museo es interesante! Tened cuidado con comprar recueros del muro de Berlín que te vengan como auténticos trozos del mismo (hay mucho listo con ese tema)
Für 12,50 bekommt man nicht sehr viel geboten, sehr viele lange Texte und eine unlogische Anordnung, fotografieren nicht gestattet, der Shop steht im Vordergrund. Ein Buch lesen bringt hier mehr! \nПодробнее
The worst. Jam-packed with information, but no logical order whatsoever. It’s a real shame, cause the stuff I did read, was very interesting. The amount of text and the mess was just off putting.
Well-intended, badly executed. This museum could really use a proper curator to structure the chaos it currently is. Profound lack of vision and storytelling.
It's pretty cheap to get in, and once you enter you understand why. But at least it's honest. Not commercialized. (No air con. It's like a oven during summer).
Disappointing. Too much information to read in too tiny rooms. The lack of logical order or chronology of the info panels presented made me loose interest very quick.
A disappointment and the entrance fee is way too much for an out-dated museum like this. It is pure information overkill.. Unstructured and confusing. No new media and interacting. Really just for peo
I wish we didn't waste our money on this place. I expected more artifacts, but there was more stuff to read. Save your money and google the info you want.
* : Interessant pour découvrir les multiples moyens mis en peuvre pour passer le mur durant la guerre froide. Pour le reste, beaucoup trop de panneaux à lire et un prix d'entrée cher (12.5€).
Teils wirklich interessante Exponate, leider viel zu groß (mehrere Etagen) und unübersichtlich. Ziemlich teuer (12,50€!), da gibt es bessere Alternativen am Checkpoint...