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Rose Bakery

Piccadilly, Лондон
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  • Chris H.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Chris HainesАвгуст 18, 2014
    A nice bakery located at the top floor of the soccer street market. A nice place to pop to for an afternoon coffee after shopping. Nice lattes and cakes to try.
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  • Ministry of Waxing
    Ministry of WaxingМай 4, 2012
    If you have a bit of a sweet tooth after shopping, Rose Bakery is a lovely spot to relax and have delicious homemade cakes and coffee. Snag a table by the window and your afternoon will be 10x better.
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  • Lucky Magazine
    Lucky MagazineАвгуст 1, 2012
    It’s fun to people-watch at the Rose Bakery. Located on the top floor of the Dover Street Market (the cutting-edge retail store).
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  • Raz S.
    Raz SchwartzИюнь 17, 2013
    No better way to spend your afternoon. Get a cup of tea and a scone and enjoy watching all the fashionistas around you.
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  • Stefanie W.
    Stefanie WaiДекабрь 31, 2010
    had a quiche and salad - love it when places give you a decent salad on the side instead of a tiny wilted thought on the side :D the cakes and pastries are also delish
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  • ibsuзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    ibsuЯнварь 29, 2016
    No take away? I guess you need to bring your "keepcup". I agree with previous comment suggesting the flat white is a bit too milky. Otherwise nice. Great view!
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  • Oliver S.
    Oliver ShreeveАвгуст 17, 2014
    Small but more in a cosy way. Up on the 4th floor of the Dover Street Market
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  • Jon W.
    Jon WorthДекабрь 28, 2011
    Push your way through the ott stores and head up to the 4th floor. Excellent coffee and cakes.
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  • David B.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    David BarrieИюнь 8, 2015
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    I love this place. Good cake. Good Karma.
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  • Doctor C.
    Doctor CИюль 14, 2013
    Lovely place. Not too much space. Good pies and cakes.
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  • Krystle L.
    Krystle LimАпрель 4, 2011
    Magazines to read durin your shopping break at Dover Street Market. Enjoyed my coffee and cupcake looking carrot cake (:
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  • Andrew G.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Andrew GoslingОктябрь 11, 2014
    Everything is to die for!
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  • Danny W.
    Danny WilliamsМарт 19, 2011
    Carrot cake looks like a little pint of guinness. Tastes delicious
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  • Will H.
    Will HumphreyФевраль 5, 2014
    Don't have a flat white. They think it's a latte.
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  • Tom A.
    Tom AikensОктябрь 8, 2011
    Try carrot cake..... The best
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