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The Strand

Значок «Подсказки и отзывы»24 Подсказки и отзывы
  • pizza
  • chocolate mud cake
  • salads
  • ice cream
  • curry
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  • John S.
    John SmedleyНоябрь 1, 2014
    Great Cafe in heart of Jetty Road Glenelg. Breakfasts are great and their pizzas and pasta are consistently good. Good coffee but cups a bit small.
  • Anna S.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Anna StevensАвгуст 11, 2018
    The lamb shank melted like butter - beautiful. Good coffee but can be a bit noisy when busy.
  • Calum M.
    Calum MunroДекабрь 3, 2011
    The whte chocolate mud cake is fantastic. Too much for 1 person. Great to share with a little ice cream on the side.
  • Iron Industry Gym S.
    Iron Industry Gym SAНоябрь 11, 2011
    For the best service and consistently great food for all day meals and snacks! Go down & see why this cafe has won numerous awards in SA.
  • Versatile Marketing
    Versatile MarketingАвгуст 30, 2011
    Fabulous service, one of the best breakfasts in the Bay and pizza is great. A Glenelg institution!
  • Lynn K.
    Lynn KАпрель 4, 2014
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 10+
    Morrocan curry us awesome
  • Carrie C.
    Carrie CДекабрь 3, 2011
    Definitely not Australia's best! No fresh juice, no fresh fruit in milkshakes, gross yoghurt. Nice service but forgetful, where's the 'condiments' for the raisin toast?? Go round the corner to Zest!
  • Ali O.
    Ali OgilvieОктябрь 1, 2013
    Fab service, awesome pizzas and a great wine list.
  • Simon K.
    Simon KМай 24, 2013
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 25+
    Need to book generally, large portions, great quality
  • Robert G.
    Robert GoddenЯнварь 22, 2011
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    Great breakfast, good service, proper loose leaf tea is sadly the only thing that holds it back
  • Timea K.
    Timea KovacsНоябрь 17, 2011
    Love the mediterranean salad, its a must try
  • The Lovely Rod
    The Lovely RodСентябрь 26, 2010
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 25+
    Fantastic breakfast menus, especially for a lazy weekend brunch
  • Judi D.
    Judi DillonМарт 3, 2011
    Great coffee and great staff - very child friendly!
  • Wendy L.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Wendy LundНоябрь 22, 2013
    Delicious food!
  • Brenton G.
    Brenton GarrittyМарт 25, 2012
    Salt & Pepper squid salad = awesome. Garlic bread = overpriced and horrible and is like a sweet tasting stale mini pizza covered in garlic.
  • DJ J.
    DJ JoshОктябрь 27, 2011
    Nick and Johnny's shop rox! Always good food great service
  • Samuel P.
    Samuel PhillipsЯнварь 12, 2012
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    Great staff and service
  • Phillip O.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Phillip OngФевраль 25, 2015
    My first time posting a review. Super disappointed. Food arrives super late and my medium rare steak came as well done. Horrible
  • Samuel P.
    Samuel PhillipsНоябрь 23, 2011
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    Love the Strand!
  • Rosa M.
    Rosa MarieАвгуст 7, 2010
    Ragu is to die for yum =]
  • Nathan D.
    Nathan DavisonСентябрь 29, 2011
    Warm Chicken salad
  • Ward
    WardИюль 22, 2011
    The food is pretty bland really. Pizza base quite thick & dry. Not that impressed. Risotto so so. Staff are really good though.
  • Sarah P.
    Sarah PoppyЯнварь 14, 2011
    Great chicken pizza :)
  • Daniel B.
    Daniel BattersbyИюнь 26, 2010
    Rissoto :)
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