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  • Снимок сделан в Tires Plus пользователем Paul W. 1/2/2018
  • Снимок сделан в Tires Plus пользователем Paul W. 1/1/2018
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Tires Plus

Авторемонтная мастерская и Магазин мелочей
Brooklyn Park - Maple Grove, Maple Grove
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  • Greg C.
    Greg CowanСентябрь 6, 2012
    Talk to Trent! Nicest guy in the world and about as honest as they come. Will never try to up sell you or overcharge you! Best Tires Plus in the metro!
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  • Kealani C.
    Kealani CameronМай 1, 2013
    Really nice people, but they were over an hour later than the very latest estimate they gave me. I had an appt & it still took them 2 hours to just change my oil. Again though, nice people.
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  • Wynter
    WynterЯнварь 14, 2012
    They've been doing my oil changes for a couple years, I'll never go anywhere else
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  • Andrew D.
    Andrew DickmanЯнварь 4, 2012
    Horrible, I will call in advance for an oil change, they say there is no wait, then when I get there, it's at least 2 hours
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  • Kell B.
    Kell BeanСентябрь 14, 2010
    Go to tiresplus.com to print coupons!
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