Best time to visit: April - May. The cherry blossoms, people. Expect peak blooms in early spring. (You will, however, have to contend with crowds--so time your museum visits for early in the morning.) \nПодробнее
i LOVE this city! easy to get around. monuments, museums, really good food..! photo ops at every corner! use a plastic (not paper) metro card. beware of the ever-changing parking signs!
If you're going to walk your fat ass like molasses, MOVE to the right so people can walk through! Or better yet, walk your ass on the street! It has more room.
Capital of the country of the United States of America. Named for an elder statesman. Weather quite good for two weeks every year. Slogan appears to be "Stand to the Right."
The city has this 'European feeling',very much like Paris/France. The White House looks smaller then in the movies/tv news.The never ending closing street when president is on the move can be annoying
Traffic is a nightmare so walk when you can. Sights, sounds & food for every taste and pocketbook. While sites are spreadout, it's a walkable adventure & say HI to the President. In one word-Majestic
Check out these vintage Documerica photos from 40 years ago. Take a photo of Washington, DC today and share it with our State of the Environment Photo Project. \nПодробнее
4 mile loop is Wisc/Mass, right on Chespeake and then back down Reno/34th right on Garfield. Wanna go 5? Take a rt on Jennifer St instead of Chesapeake. 6? All the way up to Western Ave, then Military