Great study trails on the north shore
Theodora Tanösvény is one of Great study trails on the north shore.

1. Theodora Tanösvény

Veszprém megye
Туристическая тропа · 1 подсказка

WeLoveBalatonWeLoveBalaton: Starts by the bottling plant of the Kékkúti Ásványvíz Co. and the Theodora Kereki spring & follows the Sásdi-patak towards the Kornyi-tó. The 8 km circular trail has 15 stops. English-language signs. Подробнее.

Tanösvény is one of Great study trails on the north shore.

2. Tanösvény

Veszprém megye
Туристическая тропа · 1 подсказка

WeLoveBalatonWeLoveBalaton: This 4 km circular trail introduces the geological, botanical & zoological peculiarities of the Badacsony hillside. You can also book a professional guide to accompany you. Bilingual signs. Подробнее.

Bazaltorgonák tanösvény is one of Great study trails on the north shore.

3. Bazaltorgonák tanösvény

Fő u., Raposka, Veszprém megye
Туристическая тропа · 1 подсказка

WeLoveBalatonWeLoveBalaton: Completing the 4 km trail takes about 2 hours. You can learn about the history of Szent György-hegy and the protected wildlife of the region, and admire the famous basalt organs. Signs in HU and DE. Подробнее.

Pele apó tanösvénye is one of Great study trails on the north shore.

4. Pele apó tanösvénye

Mogyorós u., Balatongyörök, Зала
Туристическая тропа · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

WeLoveBalatonWeLoveBalaton: This trail is great for kids. It has 38 stops over a distance of 8.5 km, but it's enjoyable in sections as well. The information boards are bilingual (HU and EN). Perfect for family trips. Подробнее.