Отличная концертная площадка! Первые ряды в боксах даже лучше партера. И значительно дешевле. Можно расположиться на траве рядом с партером, но в этом случае не будет видно сцену.
EXCELLENT venue to see live performances. Bring a picnic lunch/dinner, including adult bevs, spread out your blanket and just chill. Well worth the drive from DC and MD for the experience.
Half price discount for seniors and students half hour before show begins. If you opt for this, get something to eat beforehand, as you can't enter the concession area without a ticket!
If you have lawn seats, get there as the gates open! Otherwise you will be sitting all the way in the back on the hill and it's very slopey! Was a great show nonetheless :)
LOVE!!! Went to go see Back to the Future with lawn tickets. As I'd never been there before, I was afraid we wouldn't be able to see the screen, but they had one outside as well. Great atmosphere!
Get there early if you've got lawn seats-the grassy area fills up quickly. Bring your own drinks & a blanket. Great accoustics at this venue. REALLY enjoyed seeing Alison Krauss here!
Uno de los lugares que mas disfruto en Virginia en verano. Y la atención que tienen con las personas con discapacidad física es increíble. Aunque claro no puedo decir lo mismo de todos los asistentes.
If you have lawn seats, get there early so you can claim a prime spot! It's a great area to picnic as well. Only issue is if it rains... then you're SOL.
A fantastic picturesque venue in Vienna, Va housing performances from pop artists to ballet to the National Symphony. Pack a blanket to stake out your own seat on the lawn, have a picnic!
Bring your own food & beverage to enjoy while you sit on the lawn of the Filene Center and enjoy any number of the fantastic performances they line up each summer.
Lawn seats are a much better deal. You can't even take a drink to the seat in covered seating. Having done both, I'll choose lawn every time. With byosushi and beer. :-)
This place is an awesome venue to see concerts! This is a pic that I took of Adam Duritz of Counting Crows. Visit http://TheConcertMan.com for a show review.
Comte cheese, rosette de Lyon sausage, a baguette and a bottle of Herdade do Esporao Verdelho is all you need for a great evening at Wolf Trap with Chicago.
Acoustics are incredible, at least in the pavilion, even sitting right in front of the stage! The lawn could hear Idina Menzel projecting with out a mic and she said she could hear the orchestra bette
In 1632 wolves were a problem at Wolf Trap (the name gives it away), but now it’s an arts centre founded by Catherine Shouse who befriended every president from Wilson to Clinton.
See a show at the most spectacular venue in the DC Metro area: a former country barn. For more local tips, follow us on 4sq or check out www.renhotels.com.
Good outdoor venue. Get seats; you can always sit on the lawn if you like, and you have somewhere to go if it rains. Great place for a picnic while listening to music.
Beware the regulars who go to Wolf Trap for pretty much everything, regardless of whether they know the band. Many of them talk loudly throughout the show. Bad concert manners...
Abba: The Concert at Sunday 8pm Tickets are $38 for in-house and $25 for the lawn. For more information and to purchase tickets online, visit wolftrap.org. \nПодробнее
The pavillion is cavernous -- not a great place for a broadway-style show unless you've got great seats, especially not a matinee because you know, you can't turn down the house lights.