Удивительные портреты и фотографии. Даже скептики в нашей компании нашли для себя вдохновение. Плюс обязательно поднимитесь в кафе, сядьте возле окна и возьмите коктейль, наслаждаясь ночным городом
Поразила выставка Джека Феллендера - десятки фото города на одном полотне в пространстве и времени. В музее несколько выставок, минимум одна точно вас впечатлит. The must
Картье-Брессон на 2 эт. сносит голову - до 26.05.2013. На 3-м бистро с салатами и народными десертами. О, тарин с малиной и сливками! С четв. по суб. Центр открыт аж до 23:00, играют местные музыканты
Выставки заслуживают внимания, к тому же очень прелестное кафе на втором этаже с видом на Стокгольм и вкусный кофе ..очень рекомендуется к посещению!!.
Галерея не такая большая как кажется снаружи. Перед походом лучше ознакомиться в интернете, что за выставки проходят. Мы были разочарованы экспозицией. Очевидный плюс, что работает допоздна.
If you are visiting Stockholm this is a MUST. I haven't been disappointed once. The exhibitions are so unique and vivid, every photo here is carefully selected by the artist. Best photo museum in Euro
One of the top places to visit in Stockholm, especially if you're into visual arts. Not only it has the best exhibitions, but the architecture of the building itself and interior design are stunning!
Fotografiska is most famous for their excellent photo exhibits but they also house a top restaurant with what might be the most scenic view in Stockholm!
Brilliant museum with a spectacular range of photo-art collection. The premises are very modern and well-kept. Takes several hours to observe it properly
Great museums! Usually there are 3 to 4 exhibitions on different floors. Check the exhibitions before you go! The museumcafe on the top floor has a nice view on the harbor, it worths a visit as well!
Exhibitors: Ellen von Unwerth, Zanele Muholi and Christian Tagliavani. Loved all of them! Beware if you’re sensitive of nudity, I overheard some tourists in shock. Also, the cafe has an amazing view!
An amazing museum devoted to photography. One of the rare museums you can enjoy without a tour. At the end of your visit, go to the cafe at top floor, sit by the window, and eat a chocolate ball.
Not all temporary exhibitions could interest but this is at least a must do for the permanent photos showing the history of the city through years. Cool bar & restaurant at the top with beautiful vue
I loved the exhibitions here down to the detail of exhibition design and moving through the space. An awesome bookstore too. This is my favorite photography museum thus far. A Stockholm must.
Yorumlar hep pozitifti. Mutlak gidin. Süper fotoğraflar var. Çok başarılı. Tabi üzüleceğiniz yakın tarihli sava fotoları da var. Gamla stana 15 dk yürüme mesafesinde ;)
A culture experience from art to food. And the redefined upstairs with a lounge, cafe, and restaurant still boast some of the best scenic views of the city. Note that the weekends are often crowded.
Genial! Meilleure activité faire à Stockholm. Une superbe collection. Des expositions temporaires impressionnants. À faire avec de la musique dans les oreilles, au rythme qui vous plaira. Coup de cœur
Museu novo (inaugurado em 2010) e o maior dedicado a fotografia. Exibições de fotógrafos suecos e de todo mundo! O bistrô é delicioso e o dono ainda colocou música brasileira para agradar!
My favourite place in Stockholm. Always excellent exhibitions & the food in the restaurant is also great. Try the Skagen. A brilliant way to spend an afternoon.
A must visit when in Stockholm! They also have free lockers downstairs so that you can enjoy the museum and its wonderful exhibits as well as the view from the cafe / restaurant at leisure.
Eine der schönsten Gallerien, in denen ich je war. Überraschend umfangreich durch 4 Ausstellungen (während meines Aufenthalts zumindest) und eine sehr schöne Bar/Restaurant im Dachgeschoss. Must-See!
Amazing experience. The photos are great and perfectly displayed. The view from the cafe is truly amazing, especially at sundown. One of my favorite places in Stockholm. The shop is also amazing. Go.
Space is really nice, we saw 4 different exhibitions which meant there was something for everyone's taste, make time for lunch or a snack in the cafe, food is very good view over Stockholm superb
Fotografiska is one of the world’s largest meeting places for contemporary photography. Fotografiska presents four unique large exhibitions and about 20 smaller exhibitions annually. In addition to the large exhibition, Fotografiska also houses a book and souvenir shop, a restaurant, a photo gallery