Grand Central Oyster Bar

Grand Central Oyster Bar

Ресторан морепродуктов и Бар$$$$
Midtown East, Нью-Йорк
1 352
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  • Sasha T.
    Sasha TkachenkoОктябрь 25, 2014
    Это точно #must! Огромный выбор устриц, компетентный персонал - все подскажут и помогут выбрать. Лобстера готовят идеально - мясо мягкое равномерно, никаких соплей. В туалете стоит диван-губы Дали.
  • Светланазначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    СветланаМай 19, 2017
    Наисвежаишие морепродукты! Плато идеально на двоих) заряд организма полезным белком и нескучная ночь 😊 гарантирована! Суп буйабес расстроил. Много морепродуктов, а бульон на вкус никакой-пресный.
  • Andriiзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    AndriiАпрель 30, 2017
    Отличное заведение, со странным расположением на вокзале) свежие морепродукты. Счет около 100$ на двоих
  • Claire
    ClaireДекабрь 17, 2013
    Ресторан на территории Вокзала, но... каков "вокзал" таково и заведение))) Всем советую!
  • Taushaзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    TaushaАпрель 5, 2015
    Всё очень, очень, очень вкусно! Обязательно надо сюда идти!👌
  • Vittorio V.
    Vittorio ViolaСентябрь 26, 2014
    Все хорошо! Устрицы гуд! Но очень наглые официанты!!! Берут на чай сразу максимальный процент и вас особо не спрашивают (
  • Andrey F.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Andrey FantamazЯнварь 15, 2017
    В городе есть более интересные места где можно поесть устриц. Дешевле и вкуснее
  • Sergey 〽️⭕️💲©⭕️〰
    Sergey 〽️⭕️💲©⭕️〰Октябрь 18, 2013
    Обязательно к посещению
  • Nika G.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Nika GСентябрь 23, 2015
  • Ol E.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Ol EgСентябрь 5, 2014
    Устрицы. По доллару. Дороже нет смысла брать.
  • Alexander G.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Alexander GalitskiАвгуст 4, 2015
    Устрицы на вокзале.
  • SKLVзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    SKLVЯнварь 8, 2015
    Лобстер тема
  • Lala L.
    Lala LalavaАпрель 8, 2014
    Жутко шумное место.
  • Bruno G.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Bruno GremezАпрель 11, 2018
    Whenever we are in New York, we visit this place to taste oysters from different origins together with some nice white wines from the New World. Very charming place in the centre of NYC. A delight!
  • CNN
    CNNДекабрь 3, 2014
    Its famed oyster pan roast, with gently cooked Blue Points floating in a cream sauce with chile and paprika, is one of the longest-running menu items in New York City. \nПодробнее
  • Nick H.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Nick HsslgrvСентябрь 8, 2016
    A Manhattan institution, this place is the perfect spot to impress a date with your New York-ing skills. After you eat, grab a couple tall boys in brown bags and sit on the steps and people watch.
  • Louis D.
    Louis DeLavenne DeChoulotИюнь 16, 2015
    Filetes de trucha ahumada. Sopa Bouillabaisse. Cuarteto de ensaladas del mar. Hamburguesa de atún sellado estilo oriental. Flagship seasonal brew, de aquí mero, New York !!!
  • Eater
    EaterИюль 22, 2016
    The oyster pan roast is made with clam juice, Worcestershire sauce, paprika, Heinz chili sauce, celery salt, and half & half. It contains six Blue Point oysters from Long Island Sound. \nПодробнее
  • Matthew C.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Matthew CaldecuttАвгуст 24, 2017
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    Oysters, but some are really fresh and some have been on ice longer than I like. The clam chowder is great. The clams casino my favorite dessert (It usually comes last.).
  • Elizabeth B.
    Elizabeth BursteinСентябрь 19, 2019
    Beautiful setting! Loved the oysters, not so much the mahi mahi. Oysters rockefeller not my jam. Would return for a simple meal of oysters and champagne/bloody mary. Live lobsters!
  • Aylin O.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Aylin OzgirayЯнварь 20, 2016
    Ilk kez istirideye yedim ve hosuma gitti, cigneyince deniz tadi almak gerekiyormus, dileyene tadimlik oyster menu var, ayrica new england clam chowder corba ve maryland crab cake sandvic cok lezzetli
  • Dens
    DensМарт 15, 2018
    The cajun fried shrimp appetizer things are A+++
  • Fernando K.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Fernando KikudomeЯнварь 19, 2017
    Every single dishe was delicious. Lobster increable fresh. Norway salmon tasteful as the tuna and salad. The Oyster deserve five stars by far. The dessert ok, not memorable. Nice place to discover NYC
  • Aaron W.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Aaron WilliamsСентябрь 19, 2015
    The broiled blue fish is the best you'll ever have. Sit at the counter facing the oyster shuckers and order anything they advise. Love love love this timeless place.
  • Eric D.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Eric DallemagneЯнварь 10, 2017
    It is a seafood restaurant. It opened along with the terminal itself in 1913 and has been in business ever since. In 2016, Zagats gave it a food rating of 22/30, meaning Very Good To Excellent.
  • Gothamist
    GothamistАвгуст 16, 2016
    Tell all your Boston transplant friends to give up their white paste-soup and head to Grand Central Oyster Bar, set of many a contemporary literary scene for a retro gone trendy-chic vibe. \nПодробнее
  • Chris T.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Chris ThurberОктябрь 26, 2014
    I remember having gone here about a year ago with my family, not expecting much. I was blown away by the salmon, clams, and all of the other fresh and delicious seafood they have to offer. Try it out!
  • Village Voice
    Village VoiceАвгуст 15, 2014
    Here you can try 14 or 15 varieties at one time. Few culinary pleasures can match the chance to compare several from far-flung locales. Or opt for a bowl of delicious clam chowder. \nПодробнее
  • AmateurConciergeзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    AmateurConciergeОктябрь 21, 2015
    You're here for the huge oyster selection & the historic design, but all the fish is pretty good. It's not cheap (many filets $30+) but it's extremely casual which may appeal to some more than others
  • Ms H.
    Ms HeleneНоябрь 25, 2018
    Stick to oysters $3-4 each and apple pie dessert $7. Skip lobster 1lb salad $34, key lime pie $7 and sweet potato ice cream $7.
  • The Corcoran Group
    The Corcoran GroupАпрель 22, 2010
    Only in New York could you get some of the freshest seafood in town underground at a train station. Find some of the best clam chowder and biggest selection of East and West Coast Oysters in the city.
  • Serious Eats
    Serious EatsИюль 25, 2013
    A New York classic and a great place for oysters (of course) and plenty of other fresh seafood options.
  • Silvia B.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Silvia Butta CaliceМай 5, 2019
    What an amazing place to have dinner! We had oysters, lobster and Prosecco and we paid 200 dollars! It was delicious and all things considered not that expensive
  • PureWow
    PureWowАпрель 14, 2017
    Oysters, prosecco and a gorgeously restored 104-year-old dining room in the heart of Grand Central Station—what more could anyone want? \nПодробнее
  • Anechka M.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Anechka M.Ноябрь 3, 2017
    New England chowder was so good, as well as grilled calamari! We asked for mix of oysters and it was delicious! Service is quick and the entire experience is very pleasant.
  • PureWow
    PureWowДекабрь 18, 2015
    A haven for mollusk worshippers and harried New York commuters for more than a century, the seafood spot is still as epic as its iconic white-subway-tiled arches. \nПодробнее
  • Marcos A.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Marcos AlvesИюнь 30, 2015
    Incredible variety of oysters at a fair price. If you don't know which ones to choose, just ask a dozen at the waiter's choise. Nice place at early night with a glass of white wine.
  • Sandra F.
    Sandra FoytЯнварь 24, 2015
    Bewildered by the variety of fresh raw oysters? Our waiter helped pick out an East meets West platter with succulent bites from Massachusetts, Virginia, and Oregon.
  • Anna K.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Anna K.Март 7, 2016
    Bloody Mary shooters are absolutely the must. Bouillabaisse has a satisfying amount of saffron in it, oysters are great and surprisingly tasty with a drop of horseradish.
  • Untapped Cities
    Untapped CitiesИюль 30, 2013
    The anchor restaurant of the Grand Central Terminal serves, in addition to oysters, 140 seafood dishes (and 5 non-seafood plates) under the famed and magnificent ceiling.
  • Kristel v.
    Kristel van den ElzenИюнь 20, 2012
    Dutch herring: available only for two weeks when the new season is there, somewhere in June. Lovely (and huge!) herring salad!
  • Village Voice
    Village VoiceФевраль 28, 2011
    Get the New England clam chowder-dotted with chopped clams plus cubed potatoes and a whiff of bacon. The broad bowl comes sided with oyster crackers in unlimited numbers, in addition to a biscuit
  • Charlottesзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    CharlottesМарт 8, 2015
    An instant favourite! What a way to spend valuable units of time. Champagne, oysters and the rest in a truly magical setting. What's not to love =)
  • Bohdan H.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Bohdan HnatkovskyyМарт 13, 2019
    The Legendary place with a great vibe and delicious seafood. Get a big plate for two. Oysters is a must.
  • Marie L.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Marie La RueНоябрь 24, 2019
    Impressive selection of oysters that changes daily. Antiquated place: decor, staff and menu probably haven’t changed since the 70s.
  • PureWow
    PureWowАвгуст 5, 2016
    History lesson: This tomatoey version is nothing like the creamy New England-style chowder, but it’s been served in Grand Central Station for nearly 100 years. \nПодробнее
  • StayNYC R.
    StayNYC RentalsОктябрь 17, 2018
    Call for a reservation of nearly any size at this NYC icon, where parties gather to sit underneath its tiled arches to enjoy an oyster pan roast and other a la carte seafood dishes.
  • Signs V.
    Signs VisualИюль 16, 2015
    The food here is amazing! The Oyster happy hours are great fun as well--Monday thru Wednesday from 4:30-7PM, and on Saturday:1:00-5PM in the Lounge & Saloon. \nПодробнее
  • Peterзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    PeterМарт 30, 2015
    The oysters were phenomenal. The bivalve platter was uneven, though. The garlic mashed potatoes and the kale sprouts were great, and "Hoptical Illusion" and Ballantine IPA were the perfect matches.
  • Ashleigh G.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Ashleigh GardnerИюль 31, 2015
    Fantastic selection of oysters, served simply in a great atmosphere. Skip the overpriced mains and stick to the oyster bar.
Фотографии1 874 Фото

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