Понравился ландшафтпарка. Хотя ландшафт всего города продуман очень классно и парк не исключение. Аттракционы очень простые, максимум для детей. Больше пары часов провести сложно
Красиво, круто, интересно, а ещё есть возможность на шару покататься на всех аттракционах если вы школьник-студент(или молодо выглядите)https://instagram.com/p/BnZKf4jFC4ZMJg-SXfqAwDCVxHHbds9k119Jm80/
Великолепный парк! В любую погоду здесь весело. Вечером, когда зажигаются гирлянды и фонари, очень красиво. Очень удобное расположение в центре города.
Если интересуют аттракционы - вам туда. Если нет, то собственно парков в Копенгагене много и они гораздо более подходят для прогулок без входной платы и толпы
В 2 недели Хэллоуина нереально больше количество народа - просто невозможно ходить. Рекомендовала бы идти днём, т.к. вечером из-за иллюминации фото не очень...
Билеты от 18 евро. По местным меркам не дорого. Аттракционы, ну так.. особо делать нечего. Если идёте покататься, берите не за 18 а за 50 евро, безлимит. Но кругом очереди, насчитывайте.
Great fun for the whole family! Get the unlimited pass so you can go on as many rides as you like. The hidden gem of the park is the 'Train' roller coaster, if only for the super happy controller.
Go before it gets dark and see the tivoli turn into a beautifully lit magicgarden. Stay until it closes and see the water, light and music show at the lake. Go well in advance to get a good spot!
Tivoli's traditional outlook extends far beyond their carousel and other much loved attractions. A traditional customer service ethos ensures any issues are quickly dealt with and questions answered.
Copenhag’da mutlaka görülmesi gereken bir yer, “gardens” değil de içi şirin ötesi dükkanlarla dolu ve bence dünyanın en otantiklunaparkına ev sahipliği yapan bir yaşam alanı. Çocuklar için harika!
Excelente parque en el centro! Con detalles de calidad en todo, muchos lugares para comer y a buen precio. Entrar al parque vale €15 y para el parque y los juegos 50. O comprar cada juego aparte.
Tivoli Gardens is an amusement park and pleasure garden located by the Central Station. During Christmas time there is a big Christmas markets w/ lots of ornaments, lights & decorations. Go see it :)
The entrance fee is about $12 USD, not including rides. Get an unlimited pass if you plan to go on a lot of rides. Very charming place. Worth checking out. I recommend going at night for the lights
Go at Christmas & have some gluhwein. It's cheesy and amazing. Save money & don't pay for unlimited ride entry - you can buy a few tickets inside if you want to go on some.
It’s a reason on its own to visit Copenhagen. Very cute on special days like Valentine’s, free concerts in summer, turns magical during Christmas. Try to go on weekdays, too crowded otherwise.
This is an amusement park like no other in the world. It's from 1843 and although new rides and restaurants open each year, it is always done with respect to tradition and history of the park. Enjoy!
entrance fee (120 dkk) There are cafes, restaurants, and entertainment park. But you pay again to take a ride in the park.I dont recommend if you have a plan for legoland
Bellissimo luogo dei divertimenti, con giostre d'epoca conservate meravigliosamente. Pieno di locali all'Interno del parco e anche concerti. Abbiamo scoperto un gruppo molto interessante.
Great Christmas market and lovely way to spend a night with friends. Fun to walk around in even if you don’t go on any rides. Price is totally worth it - go at night to see everything lit up!
Great amusement park with concert areas (both indoor and outdoor) and restaurants. The "roller coaster" is fun. Great concerts on Fridays. It is a "must see" touristattraction in the city.
Absolutely recommended, specially at night w all the lights opened, It’s lovely! 2 kind of tikets: to ride attractions (+ expensive) & just to walk it. If you ride more than 2, is better the expensive
There is a quaintness and simplicity to Tivoli that we rarely find in American theme parks. Tivoli boasts more than a dozen authenticDanishrestaurants and many more craft stores. \nПодробнее
I ENJOYED MYSELF SO MUCH. Being a theme park enthusiast, Tivoli did not disappoint one bit. Everything was in high quality and I thoroughly recommend getting the unlimited rides ticket.
Adorable place. If you aren't into rides, you can skip paying for the unlimited and just pay per ride. If roller coasters aren't your thing, watch out for the mountain, it's old but still kicks!
Really nice park. Full of fun for kids and adult. Night time is great with all the lights on. There is a lot of restaurants as well. Just felt as a kid again.
this place is dream. idilic. kids run, green grass,peacocks showing fathers, well kept architecture, beautiful flowers, cozy restaurants & calmingmusic. on a sunny day bring q book and relax..
The overall ambiance. Thought it would be closed, but all the rides were open because of the Holiday Season! Nice, fairytale like atmosphere due to all the lights and Christmas deco
Free one-time entry with Copenhagen Card. Rides and lots of game stalls and nice food. Atmosphere at night was wonderful! Check the opening seasons online.
If you want to spend the whole day here, it is worth it to buy the right to go out of the area during the day (24kr). For example, it is cheaper to eat outside of the area.
Amazing during Christmas and other holidays like Halloween - gets decorated all around, true fairytale! Nutcracker show here is a must! Stands with handcraft and local designs open all year