Favorite spot: upstairs terrace, with the dripping sound of water, without light but candle. It couldn't be more romantic. Great garden. One of the best fine-dining in Bandung. A+ for the ambience
If your looking to have Bandung's famous flipflop steak, this is the place. Located next to a beringin tree which will haunt you till your home, say no fear you just had a very tough steak.
Recommended: fried mozarella (appetizer), chicken voldstana (layered with melted cheese and mushroom). Pizza and salmon are okay. The food price range: 35k-55k. And you'll get free refill water
Romantis. Ada big screen untuk nobar. Menu keluar sesuai urutan. Kalo mau nuansa remang-remang bisa ambil seat outdoor. Seat indoor lebih warm dengan lampu warna kuning.
Petite di pollo ala valdostana, ayamnya direbus, saus jamurnya enak dan lembut, plus french fries ^^. Woku ayam belanga gurih&enak.. seperti soto tapi BEDA! Jussirsaknya manis&segerr..=D